Market Valuation Info - Wootten Dean

Market Valuation

With over 20 years of GP surgery valuation experience, we see the costly mistakes that often occur during partnership successions. These are ALL avoidable with the right support.

Here at Wootten Dean we specialise in providing the support needed to avoifd the pitfalls – guiding the practice manager and partners through the process so everyone comes out the other side with confidence, knowing that they’ve been treated fairly.

To get you started, please check out the short training module we’ve put together on the key pitfalls to avoid when taking surgery valuation advice

If you have any questions about this process, we’d be delighted to speak with you – please contact us in any way that suits you.

A genuine understanding of the specialist investment market for GP surgeries is of fundamental importance in assessing the market value of your practice premises. As a surgery valuer of considerable experience in this area of work, Bryan is able to assist GP partnerships by provide accurate surgery valuation advice relating to partnership assets. Such advice is usually required where GP retirement or recruitments take place, and is important to ensure an equitable transfer of partnership assets. Read about the work Bryan has undertaken with a number of practices in the case studies below.

Bryan has an established working relationship with many practices throughout Yorkshire and the north of England as well as advising numerous other practices from further afield.

Related case studies

For a brief, informal chat about how we may be able to help you
Regulated by RICS


Wootten Dean is an established property consultancy led by Bryan Wootten who has over 15 years of experience as a valuer and general practice surveyor. Bryan is an RICS Registered Valuer who deals with a range of property types and has a special interest and focus on the NHS primary care environment.

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