The Premises Directions issued by the Department of Health now require GP tenants to agree the rent review with their landlord before NHS England will instruct the District Valuer to review the reimbursement rent due to the practice. For a number of reasons this amendment to procedures can prove problematic to Practices, not least because it can lead to the reimbursement rent being fixed at a lower level than the lease rent. In order to ensure their interests are properly protected throughout the rent review process, practices are well advised to consider engaging the services of a surveyor with a specialist knowledge of GP surgeries.
GP Practices are also required to obtain approval from NHS England before entering into a new occupational lease of their practice premises. Practices are advised to obtain professional advice from a healthcare surveyor prior to entering into a new lease arrangement as the terms of a new lease can have a significant impact on the financial prosperity of the GP Practice. The future receipt of NHS rent reimbursement to the practice can depend on following procedures throughout the renewal of a lease, so it is important that Practices are well advised prior to renewing the lease of their GP surgery
Bryan’s previous experience of representing Primary Care Trusts on the tenant side of rent reviews relating to GP surgeries means that he is well placed to represent practices at rent review. He has also successfully represented a number of GP practices through this process since the changes to the Premises Directions were introduced.
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Wootten Dean is an established property consultancy led by Bryan Wootten who has over 15 years of experience as a valuer and general practice surveyor. Bryan is an RICS Registered Valuer who deals with a range of property types and has a special interest and focus on the NHS primary care environment.
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