GP Surgery Rent Review Case Study
– Linthorpe Surgery, Middlesbrough
GP SURGERY RENT REVIEW CASE STUDY – Recent changes introduced by the Department of Health regarding surgery rent review procedures meant that practice manager Tracy Garbutt was aware of the need to seek professional advice on behalf of the practice when their landlord proposed an increase in their rent at review. Tracy explained:
“Our primary concern was to ensure that NHS England continued to fully reimburse our lease rent so that it was cost neutral to the practice. The changes in regulations meant that achieving this was not a straight forward process, so we were grateful for the assurance and guidance that Bryan provided throughout. Bryan represented us throughout the rent negotiations and clearly had an in depth understanding of the requirements of the practice, the landlord and NHS England based on the updated regulations.”
Bryan reflected that the changes introduced by the 2013 Premises Directions has put some practices in an uncertain position when faced with a rent review.
“The Premises Directions have introduced requirements which are inconsistent with many existing leases to which GP practices have a long term commitment to, so it is important that practices seek advice to ensure that their best interests are protected through all engagement with both their landlord and NHS England when there is a rent review or during any lease negotiations. Practices are becoming increasingly aware of the need to follow the current regulations to ensure that they secure continuing rent reimbursement throughout the term of their lease”.
Tracy concluded “Whilst we have always enjoyed a good relationship with our landlord and his agent, I am sure that it was the right decision for us as a practice to engage Bryan to represent us during the rent review; the effect of the changes to the Premises Directions appears to be that our interests and those of the landlord do not remain the same throughout this process, so it has been important for us to seek independent professional advice at this point.
Bryan is clearly an expert in this sector and has the knowledge and experience to represent practices throughout the rent review process”.

Wootten Dean is an established property consultancy led by Bryan Wootten who has over 15 years of experience as a valuer and general practice surveyor. Bryan is an RICS Registered Valuer who deals with a range of property types and has a special interest and focus on the NHS primary care environment.
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