New GP Surgery Builds & Extensions & NHS Notional Rent Case Study
– Park Parade Surgery, Harrogate
NEW GP SURGERY BUILDS & EXTENSIONS & NHS NOTIONAL RENT CASE STUDY – The practice has recently moved into a new purpose built Medical Centre and engaged Wootten Dean as their Project Manager throughout the scheme. Practice Manager Sarah Wilkinson appreciated the work done by Bryan Wootten on behalf of the practice “it was reassuring to be able to rely on Bryan’s advice. As anyone who has been through the process of procuring a new surgery will tell you, it is extremely important that the new surgery meets the needs and aspirations of the practice and Bryan’s role in ensuring this was achieved was critical to us”.
The practice also used Wootten Dean to appeal against the NHS rent reimbursement regarding their existing premises prior to their move into the new Medical centre. Sarah added “Once again, Bryan’s expertise in Primary Care and understanding of the value of GP surgeries meant that as a practice our reimbursement rent increased significantly from the initial assessment by the District Valuer.
I would happily recommend using Wootten Dean to other practices on the basis of their friendly yet professional approach delivered on a very reasonable fee structure.”

Wootten Dean is an established property consultancy led by Bryan Wootten who has over 15 years of experience as a valuer and general practice surveyor. Bryan is an RICS Registered Valuer who deals with a range of property types and has a special interest and focus on the NHS primary care environment.
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